When I started my maiden blog ( http:dcowling.blogspot.com ) in 2009, I had every intention of cataloging my hospital stay throughout the months in follow up reports, however my thoughts changed and I decided a thick black underline would be the best route and to start leading a normal life as soon as possible would be the most positive step. I was finally discharged in September 2011 but the healing was still to continue, firstly with visits from the District Nurses and then latterly by visiting the local Practice Nurse on a weekly cycle.
By the start of 2012 I was becoming more normal, undertaking more normal activities, eating normally and exercising regularly. I still had a large abdominal wound which was starting to heal over with scar tissue and an active Fistula which at times was uncomfortable but at least manageable. Sue my wife was able to dress the wound in record time so it became less of a hindrance as weeks went by and by May 2012 the end was in sight. I dreamt of the day coming when I would no longer have adhesives holding dressings on my abdomen, I dreamt of not having the twice daily routine of peeling off adhesive tape all around the edges, I dreamt of the day I could lower myself into a swimming pool albeit with a "T" shirt on to cover the large abdominal scar, without the chance of contaminating the public utility, I dreamt of the day I can start doing abdominal exercise to re-build my stomach muscles but didn't enter the realms of fantasy dreaming of having a Six pack.
We had been taking a few holidays to the East Coast which allowed us to take the dressings needed every day and these were wonderful reminders of how life outside of Hospital could be. I bought a new car in January and began to enjoy driving again, however for the first time in 35 years I learnt the joys of buying Motor Insurance and Diesel - you don't get a company car when retired! By May the end of the wound and the Flistula was in sight, scar tissue was almost completely covering where the hole had been and the Fistula was almost dry. Time Sue and I started living for real.
May 12th we set off to Dover for an overnight stay and on Sunday 13th we embarked on the Holland America Line vessel MS Ryndham for a tour of Norway and the Fjords. The Cruise was out of this world, I had never considered Cruising to be a suitable Holiday, I love Beach Holidays but these are still not practical because of the dressings involved so I have to admit I was easily convinced about the assets of a life on board ship. I remember, sailing into Bergen and the Fjords the Willie Nelson song On the road again where the lines :
Going places I have never been,
Seeing things that I may never see again,
Following our week on the Norwegian Cruise we followed this two weeks later by travelling to Southampton and boarding the Royal Caribbean Independance of the Seas which was sailing to Gibraltar and the Western Medditeranian. On this Cruise we were accompanied by my daughter Claire, Son-in-law, Jay and two of my grandchildren, Grace and Jack.
I think a good name for this Cruise could the "The never thought". When we first went out on deck when docked in Gibralter, Sue and I commented that we never thought we would feel that blast of heat when opening the doors for the first time. When we were having lunch in Gibraltar, we never thought we would feel that Mediteranean Sun on our faces. When we went to Rome, we never thought we would see the Colosseum again, nor the Spanish Steps, nor the Trevi Fountain. On the Formal nights on the Cruise, we never thought we would wear my Dinner Suits again, when up in the bar on deck 14 watching the Dolphins porpoising we never thought we would see this spectacle again.
As the Cruise continued, so did our enjoyment and excitement, we woke everyday to new experiences, to the excited faces of our Grandchildren and decided that on our return, we would book another cruise for July, why not, we need to catch up. On the tenth day of fourteen, we went for breakfast in the formal restaurant as the ship was docking in Cadiz Spain. After a leisurely meal, we were returning to our Stateroom when I felt wet around my abdomen and lower body, we turned on the Stateroom light to discover my trousers were dripping blood, lots of blood. We removed my clothes and from my stomach pumped more blood, blood clots and faeces. Sue grabbed some towels to stem the flow and rang Jay who was a couple of cabins away.
With Jay came the realisation that somehow a large Fistula had punctured through my abdominal wound and there must have been a massive build up of pressure and this was venting as I had never previously experienced. Jay started sourcing towels from our Cabin Boy and Sue went on deck to ring my Consultant in the UK. "Don't panic and buy some Stoma Bags" was the message - in Spain, great. Sue did manage and pretty quickly. The flow from the new Fistula gradually slowed and we were able to cap it. Sue managed to source a Wheelchair and so life for the next four days was taken very slowly and carefully. We managed to go ashore briefly in Lisbon ( going places I have never been ) and feel that sun on my face again, however by this time I was starting to feel sorry for myself but this I think was from the springboard of frustration, why were all these people walking about normally and I was back in a Wheelchair ?
On return to Southampton, we made our way as quickly as possible home and on Monday 18th was admitted to St. James's Hospital, Leeds where I am likely to remain for some time.
My Consultant has told me the Fistula is actually my Intestine which has surfaced and punctured, the good news is they will probably be able to operate and effect a repair in two or three months, till then we have to manage output, control fluid input to ensure hydration while not flushing my system, I have to eat a very unhealthy diet of low fibre processed food, put on weight and keep fit. I'll do it, I have to, Cruises AND Beach holidays are out there to be enjoyed and after all, Sue deserves it.
If you have enjoyed reading this, say hello if you see me on my next holiday, even better - mine is a Bacardi and Coke with Ice,
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